دکمه ای برای رفتن به بالای صفحه
<!--Powered java code by WwW.IranGamer.Com--> <br><!-- START OF Watermark Jump to Top Link DHTML --> <br> <br> <br><!-- SUMMARY BRIEF <br> <br> <br> This DHTML will put a small watermark <br> link in the bottom right corner of your page <br> that will stay there even when the page scrolls. <br> This link will always take the user back to <br> the top of the page. <br> <br>--> <br> <br> <br><!-- Put this portion of the inside of your <HEAD> tag --> <br> <br> <br><> <br><!-- <br> <br>// Change this text to the text that you want to be displayed as the link on your page. <br> <br>var displayed="<nobr><font size=2 face=Arial><b>[Top]</b></font></nobr>" <br> <br>// === DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE!!! === // <br> <br>var logolink="java:window.scrollTo(0,0)" <br>var ns4=document.layers <br>var ie4=document.all <br>var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all <br> <br>function regenerate(){ <br>window.reload() <br>} <br>function regenerate2(){ <br>if (ns4) <br>setTimeout("window.onresize=regenerate",400) <br>} <br> <br>if (ie4||ns6) <br>document.write("<span id="logo" style="position:absolute;top:-300;z-index:100">"+displayed+"</span>") <br> <br>function createtext(){ //function for NS4 <br>staticimage=new Layer(5) <br>staticimage.left=-300 <br>staticimage.document.write("<a href=""+logolink+"">"+displayed+"</a>") <br>staticimage.document.close() <br>staticimage.visibility="show" <br>regenerate2() <br>staticitns() <br>} <br> <br>function staticit(){ //function for IE4/ NS6 <br>var w2=ns6? pageXOffset+w : document.body.scrollLeft+w <br>var h2=ns6? pageYOffset+h : document.body.scrollTop+h <br>crosslogo.style.left=w2 <br>crosslogo.style.top=h2 <br>} <br> <br>function staticit2(){ //function for NS4 <br>staticimage.left=pageXOffset+window.innerWidth-staticimage.document.width-28 <br>staticimage.top=pageYOffset+window.innerHeight-staticimage.document.height-10 <br>} <br> <br>function inserttext(){ //function for IE4/ NS6 <br>if (ie4) <br>crosslogo=document.all.logo <br>else if (ns6) <br>crosslogo=document.getElementById("logo") <br>crosslogo.innerHTML="<a href=""+logolink+"">"+displayed+"</a>" <br>w=ns6? window.innerWidth-crosslogo.offsetWidth-20 : document.body.clientWidth-crosslogo.offsetWidth-10 <br>h=ns6? window.innerHeight-crosslogo.offsetHeight-15 : document.body.clientHeight-crosslogo.offsetHeight-10 <br>crosslogo.style.left=w <br>crosslogo.style.top=h <br>if (ie4) <br>window.onscroll=staticit <br>else if (ns6) <br>startstatic=setInterval("staticit()",100) <br>} <br> <br>if (ie4||ns6){ <br>window.onload=inserttext <br>window.onresize=new Function("window.reload()") <br>} <br>else if (ns4) <br>window.onload=createtext <br> <br>function staticitns(){ //function for NS4 <br>startstatic=setInterval("staticit2()",90) <br>} <br> <br>//--> <br></> <br> <br> <br><!-- END OF Watermark Jump to Top Link DHTML --> <br><!-- END CODE - Powered java code by WwW.IranGamer.Com--> <br>